If you think you may have food sensitivity, then there’s a quick way to find out which foods you’re sensitive to. Even though there are blood tests for food intolerance testing, you can also find hair sensitivity testing, which is less invasive and easy.

Food sensitivities are when your body is sensitive to the food you’re consuming or when you lack sufficient enzymes to break down the food. When you have a food sensitivity, it’s common to suffer from digestive symptoms since your intestines are unable to break down the food you’re consuming.

Hair sensitivity tests only detect food sensitivities, not allergies. They can only detect IgG4 antibodies and not IgE.

How hair sensitivity tests work

Hair sensitivity tests are a simple and non-invasive way to get your sensitivity diagnosis for food, drinks, and non-food items. Hair sensitivity testing uses bioresonance therapy. Bioresonance therapy falls under a group of alternative forms of medicine that aren’t under conventional methods.

Hair sensitivity testing, therefore, through the use of bioresonance therapy, uses the frequency from your hair samples to determine the food sensitivities you are suffering from. Bioresonance therapy believes that every being that’s alive has an energy frequency. So, it measures the frequency of energy wavelengths coming from the body.

This frequency energy is what’s used to diagnose and treat a condition. According to this alternative form of medicine, unhealthy organs, and cells are believed to emit altered electromagnetic waves because they have damaged DNA.

When these wavelengths can help diagnose a disease, changing them to their normal frequency can also restore health to damaged cells and organs. By picking hair from the body, it’s easy for bio-resonance testing to measure your body’s wavelength and use it to diagnose food sensitivities.

This is done using a machine to compare wavelengths against different item frequencies in the database. Hair samples can be measured against up to 975 food and non-food items. Any item with a frequency of 85% or above is noted as an abnormality in the results.85% Or Higher Is Considered A Sensitivity

What can hair sensitivity tests detect?

Hair sensitivity tests detect IgG antibodies; therefore, they can only be used to identify food sensitivities in the body. They can also determine items in your environment or products you’re sensitive to. However, they can’t detect food allergies as they detect IgE antibodies.

When you have food sensitivities, you commonly suffer from skin issues and digestive systems. Such cases call for an sensitivity Test.

Do I need to see a doctor for my hair sensitivity test?

You don’t need to visit a doctor’s office to get tested for food sensitivities; you can easily order a test online, fill out a form, then mail it to the lab for testing. You’ll then receive your test results in a week.

However, common sensitivity symptoms have also been associated with chronic disease. This means that you need to talk with your GP. Your GP will test you for some chronic illnesses that could be causing these symptoms. If you’re free of any of those illnesses, then it’s alright to proceed and take the test.

We recommend you get a body check by your GP because some digestive illnesses can cause the same symptoms as food sensitivities. These digestive conditions include Crohn’s disease, leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and other digestive issues. The symptoms tend to go away when these issues are resolved or treated.

Some digestive conditions can also cause food sensitivities. When they are treated, you’ll often find that the food sensitivities go away on their own, or it gets easier to manage them. If you know you don’t have any of these conditions, then there’s no need to bother your GP; go ahead and place your Sensitivity Test order.

However, if you need clarification on whether you have these conditions, it’s best to be safe by checking in with a GP. It’s a cautious step to take just in case you have any underlying conditions that you may be up to.

Food sensitivity symptoms to check out for when going for an intolerance test

Before settling on an sensitivity test, you need to know whether you’re looking for a sensitivity test or allergy test. Food sensitivities are common, and most people often live with symptoms that can mess up one’s quality of life.

However, you can easily suspect you have food sensitivity when you get symptoms hours or days after consuming some foods. It can be hard to pin down which food caused your symptoms because the symptoms often delay; that is where a hair sensitivity test comes into play.

You’ll also notice that most of your symptoms are within the gastrointestinal tract and skin. Even though food sensitivities may share symptoms with food allergies, the distinct difference would be that food allergies trigger the body’s immune system while food sensitivities doesn’t.

It’s also easy to tell it’s food sensitivity because once you pass the food, the symptoms will ease up. However, with food allergies, once you take an antihistamine, it’s common for symptoms to pass, which takes a short time.

Common food sensitivity symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Skin rashes
  • Headache
  • Gas 

Final thoughts

Hair sensitivity testing uses bio-resonance, with is a complementary form of medicine. This diagnostic tool checks for energy frequencies against items listed in your intolerance test and offers you results as required. If you suffer from intolerance symptoms, getting an Sensitivity Test is best to help you determine your food sensitivities.

Sensitivity hair testing does not supplement medical advice or a doctor’s diagnosis. It’s only an easy way to figure out items the body is sensitive to. Food sensitivities often go undiagnosed, and this is an easy way to determine what bothers your body so you can eliminate it from your diet and replace it with something equally nutritious.