Foods Tested on an Intolerance Test | Test Your Intolerance

Having food as your enemy is not a good way to get into a healthy relationship with food for the rest of your life. If you’re looking for the right helping hand to give you a bit of relief, it’s a great idea to consider getting a food intolerance test. Not only is this going to offer you some answers to some big questions regarding food, but it may also open your eyes to any more potential issues that could be waiting for you.

The importance of food intolerance tests

While some people don’t believe in them, the evidence is in favour of the importance of food intolerance tests. These sophisticated and advanced tests are designed specifically to help identify what foods are causing negative reactions with your body in particular. This can help alert you to what is causing the problem and help you enjoy some peace from it simply by cutting it out.

Food intolerance tests are also beneficial because they can help alert you to why you are feeling so poorly after eating. So often, it’s assumed that the reason behind the reaction is something else entirely. This creates a hatred of food or the reliance on settling for the same kinds of foods over and over again. These lead to nutritional concerns and can even increase sickness and other weakening of the body. Wouldn’t it be nice to figure out what is triggering you so that you can move on with your life and expand your palette? The key is going to be in getting a food intolerance test done.

Which foods can I be tested for?

a few cookies on a plate, an example pf one of 700+ foods we can check for intolerance of

The world behind intolerance testing is constantly changing. New techniques are being developed and new options are being created

specifically for these tests and their accuracy. You’ll be pleased to learn that the intolerance tests can scan for a variety of food intolerances, including:
• Meat intolerances (quail, goose, etc)
• Vegetable intolerances (parsnip, chickpeas, beetroot, etc)
• Cereal ingredient intolerances (lupine, carob, tapioca, etc)
• Seafood and fish intolerances (anchovy, shark, scallops, etc)
• Spice intolerances (cinnamon, oregano, thyme, etc)
• Fruit intolerances (gooseberries, watermelon, lime, etc)
• Algae and other natural salves (aloe vera, lemon peel, spirulina, etc)

The best part is that this list above is just a select few of the 700+ foods and food products that are tested against your DNA. This means that there is going to be nothing left off the list and you will be able to figure out what your intolerance is to and how to avoid it. All you have to do is take a look at the results and you’ll be able to know what are your problem foods. Once avoided, your relationship with food will improve drastically, and you may even be able to make yourself healthier simply by eating more foods again, worry-free. Intolerance testing is constantly evolving to offer more and more options to test against. All you have to do is take it upon yourself to get the right testing done.