Add More Green to Your Diet | Test Your Intolerance

Fancy starting a new health kick? Looking to lose weight and get rid of your bloated stomach? Just aiming to be healthier? You’re not alone. At Test Your Intolerance, we are always encouraging our customers to be healthier and happier. Check out this lovely and brand new recipe below which will help you to start your morning right. Alongside an intolerance test, there are not many better ways to alleviate your symptoms than a healthy and balanced breakfast to start your day.

Green means lean

Starting your day off with a smoothie can be extremely beneficial, as it will set you up for the rest of the day. Inside your morning breakfast are ingredients full of fruit and other healthy ingredients.

What you need

Firstly, you need to make sure you have all your ingredients ready at your disposal before your morning breakfast, as you do not want to be rushing around. Take a look at the list of ingredients and make sure you do not have an intolerance to have any of these items by ordering an intolerance test.

Start with avocado and two medium frozen bananas. Both of these fruits are healthy and are known to alleviate symptoms whilst also having other health benefits. Making a smoothie mixes all of the tastes together, so even if you are not completely sure whether or not you like bananas, you won’t necessarily taste it, and it will be so healthy (don’t worry though, it is really tasty!).

Start your diet right with an intolerance test

Adding a pear and two large handfuls of spinach help to add even more green to your morning smoothie. Eating a balanced diet is so important and many people believe breakfast to be the most important part of a balanced diet. Make sure you do mix up your diet though as otherwise, you may develop food intolerances. You can identify food intolerances with an intolerance test remember (HINT: you should).

Adding half a cup of oat milk and one tablespoon of flaxseed, this mixture is beginning to make our mouths water. Here is when it gets important to identify your food intolerances and allergies as peanut butter is next on the menu. Peanuts are one of the most common allergens are also a common intolerance food, so please do order an intolerance test to make sure you are not intolerant to peanut butter.

Tipple and Toppings

Tasty and delicious, you can now add one natural Coconut Collaborative pot, full of 120g, before adding toppings like Granola, Bananas, Shredded Coconut, and Seeds. It sounds amazing, doesn’t it! What are you waiting for? Start your year and your morning right with an intolerance test and a healthy and balanced breakfast!

For more information on ordering an intolerance test, please log on to and order your test today.