3 Main Types of Food Allergies | Test Your Intolerance

Most people suffer from some type of food allergy, whether it comes to Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis), pollen, dust or some other thing that can be an allergen. Without effective allergy testing, it is not convenient to exactly determine what you are actually allergic to. For instance, you might be suffering from gas problems every morning. However, without a proper food allergy test, it might be unable for you to confirm which food you are allergic to. Find out about the 3 main types of the food allergies that need testing for.

Acute Symptomatic type 1

This form of allergy can mainly be associated to the IgE (immunoglobulin E) antibodies. In these cases, the allergy symptoms arise right after the food in concern is consumed. The IgE symptoms, in other words, happen to be instant. Thus, these lead to obvious allergic responses. The IgE antibodies bind themselves to mastocytes or mast cells as well as to basophils in the tissues in some of the body areas, such as the throat, nose, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and skin. This leads to a release of histamine in huge amounts and results in stomach cramps, inflammation, itching, sneezing, and various other allergic reactions. In acute cases, there can be an abrupt drop in blood pressure levels. This kind of food allergy can be mild or even life-threatening in some cases.

Asymptomatic type 1

This type is characterized by IgG4 antibodies. Rather than accumulating IgE antibodies, IgG4 antibodies are built up by the immune systems because of different factors. It is related to a delayed food reaction. Sufferers may hardly suffer from any signs that are common to food allergies. The power of releasing histamines for IgG4 happens to be extremely weak, and no swelling happens. IgG4 may be regarded as IgE antidote. Doctors and researchers do not recommend IgG4 for detecting adverse reactions to foods.

Delayed-type III

The main antibody in this type is not IgG4. It might be either IgG3, IgG3 IgG that may trigger allergic signs and symptoms. The reactions might arise around 3 days following the intake of the specific food with antigens. In case these are not detected early on, the disorder can get chronic rather than acute. The symptoms vary from those produced by food allergy type 1.

It is estimated that as much as 50% of the population can be affected by Type III (delayed reaction). Once the body cannot bear with some types of eatables, an inflammatory response is produced as a reaction. When the intake of the specific food continues, the physical signs and symptoms might arise after some days.

There is a settling of the low-grade inflammation in various sections of the body of eaters. The swelling gets displayed in the form of various symptoms. When someone suffers from type III allergies over long periods, there can be various chronic disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Diabetes type II or more. High blood pressure, body weight, migraines etc could be some of the other symptoms.

At Test Your Intolerance, we use bioresonance testing to help you identify and manage your food intolerances. If you would like to find out more then please log on to www.testyourintolerance.com and have a chat with our Customer Service Advisors. They will be happy to assist you in any way they can.