Are the big eight allergens a myth? Do we actually have an intolerance or allergy to many more things, they’re just not obvious? Are we looking in the right or wrong places? Are you taking food intolerances seriously enough? Do you know the difference between dairy intolerance and lactose intolerance? Some of these questions, only you know the answer to… but what can Test Your Intolerance help you with? We can help you watch out for the three most common food intolerances (that people report!), check them out below:

1) Dairy Intolerance

This is quite an obvious one, but you must be careful not to confuse dairy intolerance with lactose intolerance as they are different, Lactose intolerance is down to the enzyme lactase and other workings of the body, whereas a dairy intolerance is simply when someone’s body builds up an intolerance to dairy. These items could include milk, eggs, cheese, and other dairy items. Fortunately, supermarkets have clocked on to this, and offer plenty of dairy alternatives for customers who find out they have a dairy intolerance through Test Your Intolerance. Lactose intolerance is increasingly common, and if you suspect that you have lactose intolerance then you should consult your GP immediately.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance include Abdominal pain, Bloating, Diarrhea, Gas, and Nausea.

2) Gluten Intolerance

The general name for proteins found in wheat, rye, and barley is gluten. Similar to lactose intolerance, gluten is one of the increasingly common foods that is being noticed as a food intolerance around the world. However, when people have a gluten intolerance, they are often confused with coeliac disease. At Test Your Intolerance, we can tell if you have a gluten intolerance or wheat intolerance, but not coeliac disease. If you think you have coeliac disease, then you should consult your GP immediately. Bloating and other stomach issues like constipation and diarrhoea are a result of gluten intolerance, but headaches should also be considered a sign of a food intolerance.

3) Caffeine Intolerance

Everyone needs caffeine to give them that boost in the morning! Whether it is through an energy drink, a cup of tea, or even a cup of coffee, you need to make sure that you do not have a caffeine intolerance. The stimulant itself reduces fatigue and can often increase alertness when it is consumed. Some people do not react well to it, however. They are sensitive to the item and cause people to become hyper, as well as experience intolerance symptoms like stomach problems.

Lactose intolerance is perhaps the food intolerance that almost everyone knows about. It causes flatulence, stomach problems and constant headaches. However, often, you will find that lactose intolerance involves the digestive symptoms including diarrhoea, bloated stomach and even gas. These symptoms are not life-altering or life-threatening but they can be embarrassing and many people struggle with dealing with them!

For more information on intolerance testing or even allergy testing, you should log on to We can tell you what food intolerances you have and help you to rejig your diet. Avoiding foods can be difficult, but with Test Your Intolerance, you can get all the help you need.