Chickpea is a common type of legume that’s found in many people’s diets. It’s a key ingredient in the popular snack hummus, and is well also found in falafel when ground into flour. Chickpeas boast a high level of protein and fibre, as well as a low-fat content, and are a great part of a healthy diet.

Chickpeas are particularly a staple in vegetarian and vegan diets, where they can be used as a meat replacement to create burgers, curries, and much more. 

Despite being an important food for many individuals, some people experience negative reactions after eating chickpeas, which could be a sign of an intolerance or allergy. The following guide will outline the symptoms that can occur after consumption, how to test if you have an intolerance, as well as next steps following a diagnosis.


Chickpea Intolerance Symptoms

Food intolerances occur when the body is unable to digest particular foods. Negative reactions can manifest within a few hours of eating the problem food as it travels through the digestive system.

Common symptoms of a chickpea intolerance include:

  • Bloating
  • Headaches
  • Diarrhoea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Excessive gas


How do I know if I am intolerant?

If you suspect you may have an intolerance to chickpeas, you can order a sensitivity test today to get confirmation. The Sensitivity Test Plus examines 975 possible sensitivities, including chickpeas, so that you can identify all possible causes of these negative symptoms. To find out more information about the science behind these sensitivity tests you can visit this page.


Chickpea Allergy Symptoms

Although it is uncommon, people may experience more severe symptoms after eating chickpeas which is an indicator of an allergy rather than an intolerance. Allergies affect your immune system and can bring on symptoms within minutes of consuming the problem food.

Symptoms of a chickpea allergy include:

  • Rash or hives
  • Shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Swelling of the throat or tongue

For more information on determining whether you have an intolerance or an allergy you can read our guide focused on distinguishing between the two. If you have experienced more severe symptoms and think you may have an allergy, then we recommend that you consult your GP immediately.


Chickpea intolerance testing

If you are suffering from a sensitivity to chickpeas, then the recommended course of action would be to get a test to confirm your suspicions, then cut this food item from your diet entirely- before reintroducing it slowly via an elimination diet to see what quantities of chickpea you can comfortably digest, or find an alternative.

Foods to avoid that contain chickpeas include:

  • Hummus 
  • Falafel
  • Products that contain chickpeas such as soups or crackers
  • Mixed pulses or legumes that contain chickpeas
  • Pea protein (unless stated on the label that the source is not chickpeas) 


Chickpea alternatives

If chickpeas are a common part of your diet, you may find it useful to look at replacements for this food.

Chickpea alternatives include:

  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Peas
  • Peanuts

Something to consider when replacing chickpeas in your diet, is that there may be cross-reactivity within the food group. This means that people may find their body has a similar reaction to foods in the same group because they have similar proteins. One way to eliminate this worry is to take our sensitivity test, where all of the previously mentioned foods are tested as possible sensitivities. 

Have you got more questions about food intolerances? Check out our website where you can speak to one of our friendly customer service advisors who are available for live support 24/7.