Order your Home Prostate Health Test to gain a fast indication of above the normal range levels of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA).
Prostate -Specific Antigen (PSA) is a blood protein secreted by your prostate gland. PSA appears in blood in higher than normal concentrations when the gland is enlarged or cancerous. Monitoring the prostate as a key biomarker is important for men over the age of 50.
Abnormal levels of Prostate Specific Antigen in your blood can be an indicator that further investigation of the prostate is required. This test uses a small sample of blood in a compact testing kit which is mailed directly to you.
The easy-to-use CE approved testing kit is mailed immediately on purchase and should reach you within 1-3 working days.
In the box, there will be full instructions provided on how to complete the sample and testing process in 5 minutes.
The prostate test to protect your health
Prostate issues are relatively common. However, the three most popular conditions are prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and prostate cancer.
Where prostatitis is the issue of an inflamed prostate, BPH is an enlarged prostate of non-cancerous origin. It’s prostate cancer, however, that impacts most people as 1 in 8 men over 50 is diagnosed with the disease.
How can a Prostate Health Test help me?
Typically taken through a blood test, our prostate health check helps us analyse how much the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is produced by your prostate gland.
A high PSA level may be an indication of whether a man is suffering from prostate cancer.
Whenever the prostate is affected in any way, the symptoms often impact a man’s daily life. Pressure on the bladder from an enlarged or inflamed prostate may lead to difficulty in urination, accidental leakage of urine or frequent need for urination.
The body is something to protect, but you can only do that if you know you’re at your physically strongest.