There are so many people all over the world that are suffering from allergies and intolerances, but there is a huge number in the UK and the US. The problem with food allergies, including stuff like wheat allergy, wheat intolerance and gluten intolerance, is that people don’t understand the science behind it. Focusing on the UK, there are many people who have probably experienced the frustration of suffering from an allergy but they are never sure as to why.

Worrying about wheat allergy

It can also be very worrying if you are experiencing an allergy and you live in fear of eating foods that will trigger an allergic reaction. You have to constantly read food labels. You also have to avoid going out to eat, which is no fun. However, allergies are more common in children, and there is always research emerging that these can be managed better. Allergies can appear at any age, but you can develop an allergy to certain foods at any point. This can happen even if you have eaten foods all your life. But what causes food allergies like wheat allergy?

How is the immune system involved?

Your immune system works so that your body can stay healthy and free from any radical antibodies and allergies. It can overreact sometimes, which is when an allergy happens. Your body becomes overprotective and fights against substances which are normally considered harmless. So, say you have eaten bread all your life: You might tuck into some toast in the morning, but your body’s immune system will recognise this as a harmful item. As such, your immune system reacts, sending out antibodies (IgE) and try to fight the allergen entering the body. Allergies, and especially wheat allergy (due to the amount of products containing wheat) can be difficult to diagnose, so if you do think that you may have an allergy, allergy testing can help.

Problem foods to look out for

Food allergies like wheat allergy can cause eczema.When these offending chemicals reach your bloodstream, a series of allergen symptoms appear, triggering an allergic response. These symptoms can appear as mild to severe, with untreated allergies eventually leading to life-threatening circumstances: ranging from skin rashes to itchy eyes, and eventually anaphylactic shock! The below foods make up around 90% of all food-related allergic reactions, so if any of these are a major part of your diet, you need to check them out:

Tree Nuts

What is important to note, is that there is no cure for food allergies. Food allergy can be managed. One of the best techniques to avoid the symptoms of a food allergy or food intolerance is an elimination diet. Many people wait for children to outgrow their food allergies, but it is easier and less risky to simply avoid them. Allergy testing can help.

There are always alternatives, especially to the above foods, so continue to do your research and try allergy testing. If you purchase an intolerance test, you can gain full access to the 28-day programme guide from Test Your Intolerance on how to do an elimination diet. Each day consists of recipes and food alternatives. So, if you suspect you have a wheat allergy or wheat intolerance, take a look at