Research Archives - Test Your Intolerance

Category: Research

6 Mistakes That Can Skew Your Food Intolerance Test Results

6 Mistakes That Can Skew Your Food Intolerance Test Results

Food intolerance testing can be incredibly useful when trying to identify specific foods that cause your symptoms – whether they may be bloating, diarrhoea, skin rashes, headaches, fatigue or something else. But it’s important to avoid mistakes when testing in order to avoid skewing your test results. I’ve been using food intolerance tests like these […]

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A Detailed Breakdown of How Food Intolerance Tests Work

A Detailed Breakdown of How Food Intolerance Tests Work

What is the science behind food intolerance testing? When you eat, your digested food should leave the digestive system via one of two channels – ideally as a bowel movement or, less desirably, vomiting. Problems with this could mean an intolerance is present, meaning an intolerance test is on the cards. If you have intestinal […]

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Reading ingredients on food package with magnifying glass

Natasha’s Law

An allergic reaction happens the moment your immune system interacts with a foreign substance that it believes is harmful to your body. The foreign substances that activate this molecular response are known as allergens – and the response triggered is a release of antibodies. Exactly what allergens evoke a response depend on the individual’s genetic […]

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Allergies & The Latest Science

In this short article, we want to give you some more information about allergies, symptoms and new scientific developments in the treatment and management of the symptoms. We are aiming to provide you with the most up-to-date scientific evidence to help you understand better your body and help you make the best choice to start […]

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Our Scientifically-Validated Blood Tests

Blood testing is truly the gold standard of testing. With antibodies presenting within the blood, testing the blood helps you identify allergies and intolerance in the most accurate, reliable way. That way, you can be sure you’re not avoiding foods or substances unnecessarily or exposing yourself to potentially harmful allergens. Our qualified, experienced blood-handling experts […]

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A woman using an inhaler

Could an allergy test help your asthma?

Allergy tests are a great way of helping you prevent one of the main triggers for asthma attacks. Many people live with allergies, which are closely related to asthma, with either one causing the other. Even though an Allergy Test isn’t an absolute diagnosis of asthma, it helps you identify one main trigger. According to […]

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